United States Tourism Advertising in 1941 National Geographic

This week we look at some of the ads from a February 1941 issue of National Geographic magazine that we have in stock at PFTP Antiques

Lockheed Martin in WWII

Lockheed Martin supplied at least 12 different types of aircraft during WWII. Due to the huge demand from the war, they had at least 6 bases operating in the UK employing locals for aircraft assembly, modification and repair. Throughout the war, Lockheed produced almost 20,000 aircraft.  

Vacation in Alaska

This must have been an amazing trip! The journey itself was likely several days, but it would have had spectacular views.

Today we can do a 7-day cruise to Alaska on a nice cruise ship with all the amenities. We wander around town and get our little souvenir magnets, take photos of the glaciers and maybe pay for an excursion. Most of these trips are comfortable sightseeing trips.

I think that a 1941 trip to Alaska would have been a lot more of an adventure. 

The Fisher Unisteel body for GM

The Unisteel turret top body by Fisher was introduced in 1936. It was formed by welding the steel liner and outer panels into a permanent, shock-resistant structure.

Hawaiian Tourism Halted

1941 in Hawaii was a record year for tourism. They had nearly 32,000 visitors before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and World War II brought a sudden end to the holiday.

The US military had to impose strict rules to daily life. The local population had set working hours, set wages and curfews. Martial law restricted the basic rights of Hawaiian people. Criticisms were deemed unpatriotic and the military even censored the press.

World War II also brought SPAM to Hawaii! 100 million pounds of SPAM was sent to war as a staple ration for Russian, American, and European troops. Last time I was in Hawaii, SPAM was still a very common food.


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