The old magazines in our shop have so much amazing content that each post can’t cover everything. From time to time, we will specifically examine an ad or series of advertisements from a magazine and this time we have selected the May 1916 Modern Priscilla.

Today, we get excited about the latest phone, computer, video game release or other newly released items that generations before couldn’t imagine. By looking at various advertisments, we hope to learn more about the products that people were getting excited about at various points in the last 100+ years.

Campbell's Soup

Campbell’s was founded in 1869 so it is no surprise to find an advertisement going back to 1916. I often find them within various women’s magazine publications. It seems like Campbell’s has been one of the more active advertisers over the years. Some of our large format magazines have really nice color ads that look fantastic when framed and put up in a country kitchen, or as decor in a restaurant. I find them nice enough that when we get a magazine that is too damaged to sell, I go through and salvage the ads themselves.

This advertisement is interesting because they are encouraging the buyer to have their grocer order a supply of soup. I would have thought that canned soup in 1916 could have been kept on hand in most grocery stores as a non-perishable product. Especially since WWI was ongoing and there would have been need to produce a large supply of canned food for the military. However, I’m looking at this from the point of view of a person in the 2020’s where the population has grown and transportation networks are more established. It is easier in 2020 to transport goods all across the country. Additionally, in 1916 many people were still in the practice of growing and preserving their own food. Therefore, the demand may not have been established in until some years later.

At the time of this advertisement, Campbell’s had 21 varieties on the menu at 10 cents per can. In 2023, a quick look at the Campbell’s website shows at least 84 current varieties with many that I have never seen before. I usually stick to Tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches. The current average price per can is $1.23. One thing that hasn’t changed much in 100 years is the Campbell’s soup can design which still has the familiar red and white label with gold seal.   

Cat Nip / Hotel Martha Washington / Bicycle / Beautiful Chest


Fun for the whole family! I think that phrase is still used pretty frequently today. I was curious about how payment was made for the items purchased through magazines like this. It turns out that a person could just go to the post office and get a money order to include with the order itself.


I was wondering what was different in a hotel room in 1916 to make it devoted solely to the interests of women. As I looked into it, I discovered that the hotel was actually a women’s only hotel for 95 years. The hotel was built in 1903 and has changed hands and names several times over the years, but still exists today. Now named The Redbury, it has become a temporary shelter for migrants in 2023.

At $1.50 per day for a room it seems like a great deal when compared to Campbell’s soup at 10 cents per can. These days hotels in the area cost about $250 per night, so either soup is a lot cheaper or rooms are far more expensive.


I couldn’t find information on this particular brand of bicycle, but it looks like bikes by this time had evolved into a form that closely resembles our bikes today. I would imagine that they were quite a bit heavier and the components probably still needed to come a long way.

I did learn that by the 1910’s bicycles were becoming more popular in Europe. In the U.S. bicycles were mainly targeting children and the automobile was becoming the primary form of transportation.


I was really surprised by this advertisement. Using something called a Psycho-Expander to develop a full plump figure seems kind of crazy. From the image it looks like some kind of adjustable strap around the chest with shoulder straps to hold it up. Apparently, the Psycho-Expander didn’t take off because I can’t find any additional information on the product apart from this ad. It does show how there are always people out there trying to sell a miracle product and there seems to always be people looking for a miracle.

Quaker Oats

The Quaker Oats company was started in 1877 and has grown to be a household name since that time. I like how this ad focuses on the high quality and taste of their oatmeal. I never really though of oatmeal as a tasty food without the addition of brown sugar and some berries. Perhaps I should look for the extra-luscious vim-flakes next time I’m craving oatmeal.

The cooker seems like a great deal! It only required the proof of purchase from five packs of Quaker Oats and one dollar. It’s no wonder that they were in over 700,000 homes.  

We are learning as we go with a lot of this content. A big part of creating these posts is as an exercise to force ourselves to get in behind the covers of our products. However, we know that many of you have focused interests and might be able to provide more information about some of the items in these ads. We would love it if you post any additional information in the comments section.

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